5 Ways to Make Your Video Sizzle

October 25, 2019

You have insights to share? Success stories to tell? A product or service to show off? If you answered yes to any of those questions, chances are you may be planning on creating a video to use in your marketing strategy. Interviews with executives, employees and customers are great ways to capture organic insights, reach your target audience and gain credibility. BUT if not treated properly, you may be in danger of creating a stale piece of content that will lose the interest of your audience in under 15 seconds. Here are five ways to get the most from your talking head or corporate video footage to make a slick and engaging video for any channel.

Prepare the “Talent”:

Not everyone is a good public speaker with natural charisma and candor and not every good public speaker is “on” all of the time. So how do you get the best out of your interviewee? It starts with preparation. Make sure to pre-interview your subjects and even suggest some talking points well in advance. This way they’ll be more likely to deliver their answers with confidence and less likely to freeze-up during a take. During the shoot, make sure they feel comfortable: feed them, comfort them, straighten their shirt or tie, etc. You can even take the pressure off by asking some ice-breaker questions to lighten the mood and assure them that they have lots of time to shoot multiple takes.

Use the Right Equipment:

The most-watched and shared videos are ones that break tradition and transcend expectations.

The best way to set yourself up for success is to ensure that you’re capturing good footage. It’s true, there are a lot of things that can be corrected in post-production, but a lot of things can’t. Consult your video equipment rental vendor or camera crew on the best equipment for your intended video content. I always recommend at least two camera angles for a more dynamic video. If your budget allows, it’s also good to have an audio engineer on-set to make sure your sound is coming through clearly without distracting background noises. (Imagine doing a three-day-long shoot only to find out in post-production (days later) that most of your footage is unusable due to faulty audio!) Proper lighting can also mean the difference between making your footage look professional instead of cheap.

Rethink Your Location:

Most people would imagine a pristine boardroom or office setting when they think of corporate interviews, but your video will be instantly more engaging with a backdrop that is livelier and more interesting. Is there a location that reveals more about the personality of your subject? Have you considered shooting the interview during an active demonstration or activity like riding a bike or driving a car? Sometimes even live environments like a busy coffee shop can feel more natural and engaging. When all else fails, you can even look to rent out a location for the day that’s highly designed on the interior like a function room at a trendy hotel or a stylish restaurant during off-hours.

Include Broll:

Broll is a necessity when it comes to spicing up your video and giving the audience a better idea of who or what it’s all about. If budget allows, I would strongly suggest you shoot your own for originality and control over concept. That said, stock footage is better than no footage or content at all. Think about your shot list, there should be a mix of shots that show you more detail about the subject in a literal sense as well as shots that make you feel the creative direction and personality of the party sponsoring the video.

Add On in Post-Production:

Yes, good editing is the key to a good finished product, BUT your post-production efforts shouldn’t stop there. A good video becomes a great video with slick motion graphics and animations. These elements both add visual interest and contribute to conveying a strong brand presence or story. Chyrons, transitions, infographics, diagrams, and pull quotes are all great opportunities for these essentials.

Yes, these are all good fundamentals to learn for any traditional interview-style video. That said, the most-watched and shared videos are ones that break tradition and transcend expectations. I encourage you to rethink the format of your video to something that may be more creative and unconventional. Maybe this interview becomes an animated short with your subject narrating in a voiceover, or instead of a something scripted, maybe you shoot a series of raw uncut testimonial videos at an event. The possibilities are endless, but if you need help coming up with your next ideas, producing your next video or enhancing your marketing strategy, drop me a line.

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